The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now.
Chinese Proverb
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Harmless but Stubborn: Understanding the Nature of Whiskey Fungus

In Mulberry, Tennessee, a picturesque wedding venue with a beautiful white mansion, manicured landscaping, and a sprawling green lawn is battling a peculiar and pesky problem — whiskey fungus. This mysterious mold, named for its appetite for ethanol, has become a nuisance for property owners like Patrick Long, whose community attributes the fungus's spread to the recent boom in whiskey consumption.

The fungus feeds on the ethanol that evaporates into the air from aging whiskey barrels stored in warehouses nearby. Jack Daniel's, one of the top-selling whiskey brands in the U.S., has at least 90 warehouses in the region. As the whiskey matures, ethanol emissions increase, creating an ideal environment for the whiskey fungus to thrive.

Whiskey fungus might seem harmless at first glance, appearing soft and powdery, but its microscopic superglue-like adhesion makes it challenging to remove. It clings to surfaces such as roofs, windows, and even stainless steel, causing havoc for property owners who constantly have to power wash to keep the fungus at bay. Unfortunately, the effects of the cleanings are only temporary, as the fungus tends to return within a few months.

Despite its tenacious grip, whiskey fungus is not known to harm humans, as its spores are not airborne. University of Toronto mycologist James Scott, who named the fungus Baudoinia compniacensis, pointed out the limited research on the topic. Whiskey fungus remains an understudied phenomenon, and any new information about it is considered valuable.

The exact means of whiskey fungus propagation remain unclear, but scientists have observed snails leaving tiny trails in fungus-prone areas. Snails seem to have a fondness for this particular fungus and may contribute to its spread.

While whiskey fungus can be found worldwide, the black crusty appearance is predominantly associated with distilleries and bakeries. To address the issue, Jack Daniel's could potentially reduce its ethanol emissions, but implementing air-filtration systems would come at a significant cost, which the company seems hesitant to undertake.

For Patrick Long and his wedding venue business, the fungus has caused considerable damage. It coats everything in its vicinity, affecting the lush greenery that is essential for a picture-perfect backdrop during weddings. Unlike structures that can be power washed, the plants and trees face a more challenging situation, leaving property owners with few options to combat the relentless whiskey fungus.

As the demand for whiskey continues to grow, the issue of whiskey fungus poses a unique challenge for distilleries like Jack Daniel's and communities like Mulberry, Tennessee, where property owners are left grappling with the consequences of this enigmatic mold.

Michael Jordan's $3 Billion Hornets Sale

Michael Jordan's decision to sell his majority stake in the Charlotte Hornets for a staggering $3 billion is undoubtedly a smart business move, considering he originally purchased the team for just $275 million back in 2010. However, it is a bittersweet moment, as it highlights a concerning trend: there is currently not a single majority owner who is Black in the most popular and lucrative professional sports leagues in America.

The sale will see Jordan retaining a minority stake and maintaining some presence with the franchise, but it means he will no longer be the face of the Hornets, joining other Black celebrities who hold minority ownership stakes in teams.

In recent years, we've witnessed the sale of teams like the Denver Broncos, Carolina Panthers, and Washington Commanders in the NFL, as well as the Houston Rockets, Brooklyn Nets, and Phoenix Suns in the NBA—all acquired by non-Black individuals. Major League Baseball also saw the New York Mets being bought by a wealthy white buyer, Steve Cohen.

The issue here is not that white people are buying teams; rather, it's the lack of Black ownership due to socioeconomic factors and systemic racism. Black athletes dominate the NBA and NFL, yet they seldom have the opportunity to transition to team ownership.

LeBron James, who has owned a team in his financial portfolio, expressed his desire to bring a team to Las Vegas, emphasizing the need for Black ownership in sports. Magic Johnson, a minority owner of the Los Angeles Dodgers and Commanders, echoed the sentiment, but pointed out that change needs to start with existing team owners acknowledging the value of Black ownership.

The sale of the Hornets is the seventh-most expensive sale price ever for a sports franchise, indicating that Jordan chose a prime time to sell. However, the value of this decision depends on individual perspectives and priorities.

The New York Times published an article, "Michael Jordan was an activist after all," shedding light on the charitable endeavors Jordan has undertaken behind closed doors, particularly benefiting Black athletes. Still, Jordan's past comment, "Republicans buy sneakers, too," in response to the 1990 U.S. Senate race between Jesse Helms and Harvey Gantt, has drawn criticism from the Black community.

While Jordan has every right to do as he pleases with the Charlotte Hornets, history may perceive his decision to sell as a missed opportunity for progress in a time when sports desperately needs Black ownership representation. Activism requires being active, and some may see this move as a step back from that role for Jordan.

In conclusion, Michael Jordan's decision to sell his majority stake in the Hornets comes with mixed emotions. It's a smart business move, but it also shines a light on the lack of Black majority owners in professional sports, a void that many believe needs to be filled for progress to be made.

A Beacon of Hope for Maine's LGBTQ+ Community

In the early 1980s, Maine was a place where gays and lesbians faced discrimination without any legal protection. It was a time when the murder of a young gay man, Charlie Howard, sent shockwaves through the community and ignited a movement for civil rights. But amid these challenges, a beacon of hope emerged in the form of "Our Paper," a pioneering LGBT newspaper founded in 1983.

At a time when the LGBTQ+ acronym was not widely recognized, "Our Paper" aimed to bring together a community that often felt like outsiders. Many individuals were still in the closet, fearing the consequences of being open about their sexual orientation, such as losing their jobs or homes. The newspaper provided a crucial connection for these individuals, offering information and acting as a forum for expressing their outrage in the aftermath of Charlie Howard's murder.

The early founders of "Our Paper" faced significant obstacles. After only two issues, the paper was refused publication by The Kennebec Journal due to what they deemed "tasteless content," particularly information on AIDS risk-reduction. The newspaper also faced a temporary ban from the Portland Public Library for printing a "safe-sex test" with objectionable material.

Yet, despite these challenges, "Our Paper" persisted. It chronicled the struggle for state civil rights legislation, including the addition of "sexual orientation" to the Maine Human Rights Act. The paper reported on significant events like the firing of Rev. Barry Wood from Saint Luke’s Cathedral for performing a commitment ceremony for two women. It also exposed instances of discrimination, such as an inn on Mount Desert Island refusing to rent a room to two women who wanted to share a bed and frequent assaults against gay men at Denny's Restaurant.

One of the driving forces behind "Our Paper" was the unfolding AIDS crisis, which was claiming many lives without effective treatments. The newspaper fought to provide essential health information during this crisis, even facing attempts to prevent distribution and printing of such material.

Fred Berger, one of the early founders, highlighted the newspaper's impact in shaping public perception of AIDS. An interview with an AIDS patient published in "Our Paper" helped bring the issue out of the closet, and the paper was ahead of its time in addressing the personal impact of the crisis on the community.

Today, as we look back almost 40 years later, we can see how "Our Paper" played a pivotal role in Maine's journey toward progress and equality for the LGBTQ+ community. From fighting discrimination to shedding light on the AIDS crisis, this upstart newspaper left a lasting legacy, paving the way for increased acceptance, same-sex marriage, and a clearer understanding of transgender issues.

Apple and Broadcom's Multi-Billion-Dollar Chip Deal in the U.S.

Apple has unveiled a significant multibillion-dollar deal with Broadcom, a prominent U.S. technology and advanced manufacturing company. The partnership focuses on the development of 5G radio frequency components, particularly FBAR filters, and cutting-edge wireless connectivity components. Broadcom will manufacture the FBAR filters in various key American hubs, including Fort Collins, Colorado, where the company has a major facility.

Apple's CEO, Tim Cook, expressed enthusiasm about the collaboration, highlighting the commitment to leveraging American ingenuity and creativity in manufacturing. Apple's existing collaboration with Broadcom in Fort Collins has already contributed to supporting over 1,100 jobs, with the new deal expected to further enable investment in critical automation projects and upskilling for technicians and engineers.

The broader impact of Apple's partnerships extends across the nation, supporting over 2.7 million jobs through direct employment, iOS app development, and spending with a vast network of U.S. suppliers and manufacturers spanning all 50 states and various sectors.

The focus on 5G technology is a pivotal aspect of Apple's strategy, with substantial investments directed toward its development in the United States. These investments align with Apple's commitment made in 2021 to inject $430 billion into the U.S. economy over five years. The company is currently on track to meet this target through direct spending with American suppliers, investments in data centers, capital expenditures, and other domestic expenditures.

Since the introduction of 5G technology to Apple devices in 2020, the company has played a crucial role in expanding and expediting 5G adoption nationwide. This expansion has driven innovation and job growth among companies supporting 5G innovation and infrastructure. The global reach of 5G coverage and performance continues to grow, providing users worldwide with faster connectivity as they transition to 5G-capable products.

Environmental Challenges in Rare Earth Mining

Rare earth elements are essential components of many renewable energy and carbon-neutral technologies, including wind turbines, electric vehicles, and consumer electronics. The United States' only rare earth mine, Mountain Pass, located in California, has seen several phases of operation and closure since its discovery in the 1940s. It was once the world's top source for rare earth elements, but by the late 1980s, China became a dominant player in the rare earth market and offered lower prices. A series of toxic waste spills at Mountain Pass further impacted production, leading to a halt in 2002.

However, with the rise of the green-tech revolution in the 21st century, the demand for rare earth elements increased, prompting the revival of Mountain Pass mine. Mining rare earth elements comes with environmental challenges, as they tend to be scattered in the Earth's crust at low concentrations. Mining involves digging vast open pits, which can contaminate the environment and disrupt ecosystems. The processing of raw ore into usable forms requires large amounts of water, potentially toxic chemicals, and produces voluminous waste.

To address the environmental impact, researchers are exploring ways to reduce the footprint of rare earth mining. These efforts include reducing waste during ore processing, improving the efficiency of element separation, recycling rare earths from old electronics, and recovering them from coal waste. Collaboration with the mining industry is crucial to implement these changes effectively.

In addition to the environmental concerns related to mining and processing, there are also concerns about the potential impact of radioactivity on human health. While there is limited epidemiological evidence on the impact of rare earth mining on human and environmental health, experts emphasize the need for science-based decision-making and accurate information dissemination.

To reduce the need for new mining and processing, recycling existing rare earth materials is advocated as a complementary approach. However, recycling alone may not be sufficient to meet the increasing demand for rare earth elements in the future. A combination of responsible mining practices, efficient use of mined resources, and recycling will be essential to ensure a sustainable supply of rare earth elements for renewable energy technologies.

Genetic Improvement for Disease-Resistant Chili Peppers

The World Vegetable Center (W.V.C.) in Taiwan holds the largest public collection of vegetable germplasm, including a remarkable variety of chili peppers. As environmental shifts, such as climate change and biodiversity loss, threaten the world's supply of fruits and vegetables, the preservation of chili pepper varieties becomes crucial.

In the late 1990s, Susan Lin, a plant researcher at the W.V.C., attempted to cross-pollinate chili peppers to create a strain resistant to anthracnose, a devastating fungal infection. After years of experimentation, they managed to breed a cayenne-like pepper with resistance to anthracnose and powdery mildew. However, the experiment also revealed that the resilience of crops can be a moving target, as pathogens can mutate and overcome previously resistant traits.

Chili peppers are a significant part of global cuisine, and the majority of the peppers we consume today were bred from just five species. As climate change intensifies, diseases like anthracnose are expected to spread, putting the world's pepper production at risk. The W.V.C.'s efforts to breed resilient varieties are essential for combating these challenges.

The W.V.C. serves as a global hub for research and breeding of vegetables, particularly peppers, that are resistant to climate change, pests, and diseases. With its strategic location in Asia, the center is well-positioned to cater to its primary clientele in India, where over half a million farmers grow peppers and tomatoes developed by the center.

Taiwan's lack of chili pepper culture has the unexpected benefit of protecting the experimental crops from pathogens endemic in other regions. This isolated environment allows researchers to study peppers without facing the same intense disease pressure.

The quest for resilient chili peppers, however, is an ongoing challenge, as new diseases and environmental shifts require continuous adaptation. The importance of genetic improvement in breeding disease-resistant varieties becomes evident, as it is the most economical and sustainable intervention for farmers. The center has been working on developing chili peppers resistant to anthracnose, which has already shown promise in several Asian countries.

Despite the challenges, nature also surprises researchers. In 1999, Susan Lin stumbled upon a unique and resilient chili pepper in the fields. Known as "Susan's Joy," this pepper has since been grown worldwide for its tall growth, abundant fruit production, and disease resistance.

As chili peppers face increasing threats from environmental changes and diseases, the work of the W.V.C. is essential in preserving and breeding resilient varieties that can ensure the continued supply of this important food source for global populations.

Warhammer 40,000: Rogue Trader - An Exciting Glimpse into the Vast Universe

Warhammer 40,000: Rogue Trader, the top-down RPG on Steam and Good Old Games set in the iconic Warhammer 40K universe, has taken players by storm with its grand scale and freedom of choice. Developed by Owlcat Games, the game offers a unique opportunity to explore a full star system and exercise free will, making it a standout title among Warhammer enthusiasts.

The game's demo, provided by Owlcat Games, kicks off with character creation, where players can immerse themselves in the vastness of choices available. From selecting augments, home world, origin story, and specialties, players can shape their character according to their preferences. Whether they wish to be a noblewoman skilled with rifles, a dangerous psyker, a veteran of the Imperium's long war, or a filthy criminal, the options are extensive. However, some players have expressed disappointment at the limited customization options in the demo, with all available portraits featuring white characters. The developers, in response, have assured players that the final version will offer much more variety in character customization, including diverse portraits.

The story of Rogue Trader proves captivating from the get-go. Rogue Traders, who have been part of Warhammer 40,000 since its inception, serve as privateers in the service of the Imperium of Man. These voidship sailors roam the galaxy, trading and exploring on a longer leash than their peers. In the demo, players find themselves in a cutthroat world of politics as they vie for the coveted title of Rogue Trader. Betrayal, cat-and-mouse campaigns, and power struggles become the norm in this dark and dangerous universe.

One of the game's strengths lies in its ability to allow players to immediately start role-playing. The in-game codex aids in understanding the 40K-specific terms without disrupting the dialogue, making it easier for players to define their characters.

Rogue Trader offers intriguing subversions of the typical RPG formula. In a grimdark future of war, the usual helpful hero behavior is seen as servile and pathetic. Players must navigate the delicate balance of keeping their dangerous allies happy while finding alternative solutions to challenges. The freedom to explore various paths and engage in branching dialogue trees makes for an immersive experience.

The game also delves into places not typically covered in the main 40K narrative, like the Drukhari city of Commorragh. This adds fresh and exciting elements to the setting, allowing players to explore dangerous and alien environments with the freedom of an RPG.

The turn-based combat on a grid, akin to games like Divinity: Original Sin 2 and Wasteland 3, complements Warhammer 40K's blood-soaked and bizarre combat traditions. With allies like nuns wielding flamer guns, ferocious Space Wolves, and the technology of the Adeptus Mechanicus, battles are both challenging and exhilarating.

While the beta version did encounter a few snags and limitations, the developers assure players that more content and campaigns will be added post-release. The potential for a truly immersive and diverse experience in the Warhammer 40,000 universe has players eagerly awaiting the final release of Rogue Trader.

Airbus Soars High with Record-Breaking Aircraft Order from IndiGo

In a groundbreaking deal that has set the aviation industry abuzz, Airbus, the world's largest aircraft manufacturer, has secured its most significant sale ever. On Monday, the European giant inked a historic agreement with Indian airline IndiGo, bagging an order for a staggering 500 narrow-body planes. This multibillion-dollar deal not only showcases Airbus' prowess but also highlights the burgeoning potential of the South Asian subcontinent as a massive and rapidly emerging market in the aviation world.

This marks the second major aircraft order to an Indian airline this year, following Air India's purchase of 470 new passenger jets in February. However, unlike the earlier deal, where Airbus and Boeing split the spoils, this time, Airbus walks away with the entire booty, further solidifying its foothold in India. IndiGo, a homegrown Indian supergiant, has come a long way since its humble beginnings as a startup in 2006. Now, it reigns supreme with over 60% of India's market share, dwarfing the competition. In contrast, the industry runner-up, Air India, holds less than 10% market share.

The allure of the Indian market is evident to Western manufacturers, and for good reason. With India recently surpassing China to become the world's most populous country, opportunities for growth abound. The country's gross domestic product is projected to surge nearly 6% this year, outpacing other major emerging and advanced economies, which is fueling the rise of a burgeoning middle class and an influx of first-time flyers. In the first quarter of this year, passenger numbers surpassed 37 million, a remarkable 6% increase compared to pre-pandemic levels in 2019, according to official government data.

Recognizing the potential, India's government has committed a whopping $12 billion to airport infrastructure projects, with Prime Minister Narendra Modi's ambitious vision to make India a global connecting hub and a premier travel destination. Meanwhile, IndiGo is not resting on its laurels; it plans to double its size and scale by the end of the decade. Currently, the airline boasts a fleet of 300 aircraft.

However, amid the soaring ambitions and grand plans, there are some grounded realities. Airbus has faced production line issues, leading to delays. The company had initially targeted producing 75 planes per month, but that goal has been pushed back to 2026—months after the original deadline. As a result, IndiGo won't receive its new planes until at least 2030, and the final order won't be fully delivered until 2035. As fans of 30 Rock's Liz Lemon can relate, a pilot's promise of a half-hour delay "means forever." The same logic seems to apply to airplane manufacturers.

So, while this historic deal with IndiGo marks a remarkable achievement for Airbus and a testament to India's aviation potential, there are still some runway challenges to navigate before the planes take flight.

Biden Administration and States Along Colorado River Strike Historic Water Conservation Deal

In an effort to tackle the pressing water crisis in the Western United States, the Biden Administration, along with the states along the Colorado River, has reached a groundbreaking agreement to conserve an unprecedented amount of the river's precious water supply.

The deal, announced on May 22, sees the Lower Basin states of Arizona, California, and Nevada pledging to save an additional 3 million acre-feet of Colorado River Water by the end of 2026. This amounts to about 13 percent of their total water allocation from the river. In exchange for their commitment, the federal government has agreed to compensate the three states for three-quarters of the water savings, a sum of around $1.2 billion. The funds will be sourced from the 2022 Inflation Reduction Act and will be used to support Native American tribes, farmers, cities, and other stakeholders who voluntarily forgo their water supplies.

The Colorado River is a lifeline for the region, but it has faced immense challenges over the last two decades. Severe droughts, population growth, and climate change have taken a toll on its water supply. The three Lower Basin states, recognizing the gravity of the situation, have agreed to temporarily reduce their water usage to prevent water levels from plummeting to a critical level that could jeopardize major cities like Los Angeles and Phoenix, as well as productive farmlands.

The negotiations leading to this agreement were not without their hurdles, with almost a year of talks and missed deadlines. The plan aims to safeguard two of the largest reservoirs in the US, Lake Powell and Lake Mead, which have suffered from the river's diminished natural water flow, down by approximately 20 percent due to recent droughts. In fact, during the summer of 2022, water levels fell so drastically that officials were concerned about the functioning of the hydroelectric turbines.

Earlier, in June 2022, the federal government urged the seven states that rely on the Colorado River, including Colorado, Utah, New Mexico, and Wyoming, to find ways to reduce their water usage by two to four million acre-feet per year. However, no consensus was reached among the states, and the federal government even considered unilateral water cuts last summer. Fortunately, behind closed doors, negotiations were underway to avoid imposing cuts that could lead to legal challenges and further delays.

Secretary of the Interior Deb Haaland praised the agreement as a testament to the Biden-Harris administration's commitment to finding consensus solutions amidst climate change and persistent droughts, emphasizing the importance of water access to millions of people, tribal nations, and communities in the Colorado River Basin.

Although this agreement is a significant step forward, it is not the final outcome. The deal still needs formal adoption by the federal government, and parties have also agreed to a new proposal that will undergo analysis by the Interior Department. The ultimate challenge lies ahead as all seven states relying on the Colorado River may face an even deeper water reckoning by 2026.

While a wet winter helped alleviate the crisis to some extent, it is not a long-term solution. The demand for water still far exceeds its supply. Climate scientist Wei Zhang highlights that the heavy snow and rain from the past winter will boost the river's stream flow, but it won't be sufficient to address the underlying water problem.

As the negotiations continue, the future of the Colorado River remains uncertain. It's a battle against time and nature, and all parties involved must strive to find sustainable solutions to ensure this vital waterway doesn't run dry.

The Unstoppable Pirate eBook Haven with 600,000 Student Admirers Worldwide

Z-Library, a notorious pirate eBook repository, claims that over 600,000 students and scholars worldwide use the platform to access millions of books for free. The site, which faced legal action in the United States resulting in the arrest of two alleged operators, continues to operate through the dark web despite the seizure of over 200 domain names connected to the platform by U.S. law enforcement. The recent removal of additional domains did not disrupt Z-Library's services.

The site is known for its commitment to providing free access to books, including educational materials and textbooks, making it a popular resource for students globally. The platform's user database statistics, although based on email addresses linked to educational institutions, likely underestimate the actual number of users, as individuals may use personal email addresses for registration.

China leads the world in Z-Library users, followed by India and Indonesia. Notably, the United States is excluded from the analysis due to the criminal prosecution of two alleged operators. Despite its population, Australia ranks high in Z-Library usage, surpassing countries like Brazil and Vietnam. Monash University in Australia stands out for having the most public booklists created by users.

Trinity College Dublin in Ireland, while second in creating booklists, also appears in the top 5 universities that donated to Z-Library. The data highlight the global reach and diverse user base of Z-Library, demonstrating its value as a resource for students worldwide.

Users' comments express gratitude for saving money on books, including textbooks. Despite public appreciation, Z-Library remains susceptible to legal challenges and ongoing crackdowns by U.S. authorities. However, the platform's operators seem determined to persist in providing free access to books.

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