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New Evidence Suggests Hydraulic Technology in Ancient Pyramid Construction

For centuries, the construction of the Egyptian pyramids has puzzled historians and archaeologists. The great pyramids, built with massive limestone blocks, have inspired numerous theories. Recently, a new hypothesis has emerged. According to a paper in the journal PLOS ONE, ancient Egyptians might have used a hydraulic lift system to build the Step Pyramid of Djoser. Traditionally, theories about pyramid construction have focused on human strength aided by mechanical devices such as levers, ramps, and cranes. Xavier Landreau from Paleotechnic in Paris and Universite Grenoble Alpes, co-author of the study, suggests that water might have been used to raise stones. His team’s research has led to a new understanding of how the pyramids might have been constructed.

The Step Pyramid, built around 2680 BCE for the Third Dynasty pharaoh Djoser, stands at the Saqqara necropolis. It was the first pyramid built, predating the Great Pyramid of Giza. Unlike previous mud-brick monuments, Djoser’s pyramid was made of stone, a process requiring more labor. Historical sources are sparse regarding construction methods from this period. Herodotus, writing in the fifth century BCE, described the use of levers to raise blocks. In the first century BCE, Diodorus Siculus mentioned the use of earthen ramps. Archaeologists have found evidence of ramps and inclined causeways at various pyramid sites. French architect Jean-Pierre Houdin proposed a model using external and internal ramps to build the Great Pyramid of Giza. Despite these theories, none have provided a complete explanation.

The construction of the pyramids is not only a testament to the ingenuity and resourcefulness of the ancient Egyptians but also a reflection of their societal structure and the resources at their disposal. The sheer size and precision of the pyramids indicate a high level of organization, labor management, and technical knowledge. These monumental projects were likely state-sponsored endeavors that involved thousands of workers, including skilled laborers, architects, and engineers.

Landreau’s team, which included hydrologists, geologists, and satellite imagery specialists, initially aimed to map the watersheds west of the Saqqara plateau. Their research led to the discovery of structures they believe were a dam, a water treatment facility, and a hydraulic lift system within the pyramid complex. They identified the Gisr el-Mudir enclosure as a check dam capable of trapping sediment and water. Topographical evidence suggested a possible lake west of the Djoser complex and signs of water flow in the surrounding "dry moat." The moat’s southern section features a deep trench that might have served as a water treatment facility, including a settling basin, a retention basin, and a purification system.

The hypothesis proposes that a floating wooden elevator inside the pyramid was used during construction. This elevator relied on water flows to lift the platform up a central vertical shaft. The pyramid’s inner structure includes 13 shafts, with two twin shafts connected by a 200-meter tunnel. Previous excavations in the 1930s provided information about the shafts, revealing a removable plug system. This system could have allowed the shafts to fill with water, lifting a platform with limestone blocks. Draining the shafts would lower the platform for the next load. The researchers estimate that builders could have captured between 4 million and 54 million cubic meters of water over the construction period. Acknowledging the possibility of insufficient water at times, the authors suggest that the hydraulic lift system might have supplemented other methods, such as ramps and lifting cranes.

The use of hydraulic systems in ancient construction is not unprecedented. Ancient Egyptians were adept at managing water resources, as evidenced by their sophisticated irrigation systems and the use of canals to transport large stone blocks. The concept of using water to aid in construction aligns with their known technological capabilities. If the hydraulic lift hypothesis is accurate, it would not only provide insight into the construction of the Step Pyramid but also underscore the advanced engineering skills of the ancient Egyptians.

Landreau notes that later pyramids, built with smaller stones and bricks, lacked the longevity of earlier pyramids. This could be due to changes in climate, as the region became drier over time. The hydraulic lift hypothesis suggests that early pyramid builders might have used a combination of techniques, including hydraulic power, to construct these monumental structures. Further research is needed to explore the water resources of ancient Egypt and validate the team’s findings. New geophysical surveys and excavations around Gisr el-Mudir and the Deep Trench could provide more evidence of hydraulic uses. Technologies like muon tomography could help explore the pyramid’s internal structures.

John Baines of Oxford University expressed skepticism about the hydraulic lift hypothesis but acknowledged its thoroughness. Judith Bunbury of the University of Cambridge noted the lack of direct evidence for such a lift system. She suggested that images or historical texts referring to hydraulic lifts would provide more convincing evidence. Despite skepticism, the study opens new lines of inquiry. Landreau and his team plan to investigate further, hoping to uncover more about the ancient Egyptians' innovative engineering techniques.

Moreover, understanding the environmental context of the time is crucial. The climate during the early Old Kingdom was wetter, providing more water resources than the current arid conditions. This wetter climate could have made the hydraulic lift system feasible. Over time, as the climate became drier, the availability of water resources diminished, possibly explaining the shift to different construction techniques in later periods.

The Step Pyramid of Djoser, the oldest of Egypt's pyramids, may have been built with a hydraulic lift system, offering a new perspective on ancient construction methods. While traditional theories focus on ramps and levers, this new hypothesis suggests that the ingenuity of ancient Egyptian engineers might have included advanced hydraulic technology. Further research will continue to shed light on the mysteries of pyramid construction. The potential discovery of a hydraulic lift system within the pyramid complex adds a fascinating layer to our understanding of ancient engineering and the capabilities of the civilization that built these timeless monuments.

In conclusion, the study conducted by Landreau and his interdisciplinary team highlights the importance of re-evaluating historical assumptions with new technologies and methodologies. Their findings, if substantiated, could revolutionize our understanding of how the pyramids were built. The incorporation of hydraulic systems in the construction process would reflect a level of technological sophistication that has been largely underestimated. As researchers continue to explore this hypothesis, the story of the pyramids' construction becomes increasingly intricate and intriguing, demonstrating the enduring legacy of ancient Egyptian innovation.

The collaborative efforts of modern scientists, armed with advanced tools and interdisciplinary approaches, offer the promise of unraveling one of history's greatest architectural mysteries. As more evidence is gathered and analyzed, we may come closer to answering the age-old question of how the pyramids, symbols of human ingenuity and perseverance, were erected. The exploration of these ancient technologies not only enhances our historical knowledge but also inspires contemporary engineering and architectural practices by reminding us of the resourcefulness and creativity of our ancestors.

How Science Peer Review Fails and What We Can Do About It

Peer review is a cornerstone of scientific progress, yet it faces significant challenges today. The system, designed to maintain the integrity and quality of scientific research, is faltering. There are no strong incentives to fix it, and it was never intended to catch fraud in the first place. Fraud in science manifests in various forms, from outright fabrication of data to more subtle manipulations. This includes plagiarism, data manipulation, and selective reporting of results to achieve desired outcomes. The more fraud thrives, the more public trust in science erodes. Addressing this issue requires a fundamental shift in the incentive and reward structures within the scientific community.

Today's science is deeply complex and relies heavily on computation. Whether studying bird droppings or galactic collisions, computers play a crucial role. "S. Transistor" could be considered a coauthor on nearly all scientific papers published annually. This reliance on computers complicates peer review, as much of the analysis occurs within proprietary software. Peer review was developed when scientific arguments and analyses could be fully presented within the paper itself. Today, much of the critical work is done using software, often unavailable for scrutiny. As a result, reviewers cannot fully verify the computational processes behind the results. The lack of transparency in software use is a significant barrier to effective peer review.

Scientists are not incentivized to make their code public. The current reward system values publications over transparency, contributing to the problem. Researchers gain recognition and career advancement through published papers, not through sharing their methodologies or codes. This lack of incentive undermines the peer review process and allows potential fraud to go undetected. Errors in scientific research, intentional or not, are challenging to detect. Peer reviewers often do not have the time or resources to thoroughly evaluate every aspect of a paper. This issue is exacerbated by the increasing complexity of scientific research, which relies heavily on specialized software and large datasets. Without access to the underlying code, reviewers cannot identify errors or manipulations.

Replication is a crucial defense against scientific errors and fraud. However, replication studies are rare and often unrewarded. The replication crisis, which emerged prominently in the 2010s, highlights the difficulty of replicating results across various fields. Replication is not seen as "sexy" science; it does not lead to new discoveries and often goes unpublished, further discouraging scientists from engaging in replication efforts. The replication crisis reveals systemic issues in scientific research. Many studies, when replicated, do not produce the same results as the original research. This inconsistency undermines the reliability of scientific findings. The pressure to produce novel results leads to a lack of focus on replication, perpetuating the crisis.

The complexity of modern science, with its reliance on advanced tools and vast amounts of data, makes fraud easier to commit and harder to detect. Mistakes in code or analysis can easily slip through peer review, especially when reviewers lack access to the software used. This environment is ripe for both accidental errors and intentional fraud. Peer review, as it currently stands, is not equipped to handle the intricacies of modern scientific research. Reviewers often lack the time and expertise to thoroughly evaluate each paper. As a result, errors and fraud can pass undetected, compromising the integrity of scientific literature.

One possible solution is to overhaul the peer review process itself. This could involve more rigorous training for reviewers, ensuring they have the necessary skills to evaluate complex computational methods. Additionally, journals could require authors to submit their software code and datasets alongside their manuscripts, making it easier for reviewers to check the validity of the results. Another approach is to use open peer review, where reviews and reviewer identities are made public. This transparency could increase accountability and reduce the likelihood of both intentional fraud and careless mistakes slipping through the cracks.

The scientific community must also address the cultural and systemic issues that discourage replication. Funders and institutions should allocate resources specifically for replication studies and reward scientists who engage in this vital work. Journals should prioritize publishing replication studies and give them the same status as original research. By shifting the focus from sheer quantity of publications to quality and reproducibility, the entire scientific enterprise can become more robust and trustworthy.

Technological advancements also offer new tools to combat scientific fraud and errors. Automated tools can check for common issues such as data fabrication, statistical anomalies, and inconsistencies between reported methods and results. Machine learning algorithms can flag papers with unusual patterns that might indicate fraud, helping reviewers and editors prioritize which papers need closer scrutiny. While these tools are not foolproof, they can serve as an additional layer of defense.

Increased collaboration and communication within the scientific community are also crucial. Scientists should be encouraged to share their data, methodologies, and findings openly, fostering an environment where transparency and cooperation are the norms. Initiatives like open-access journals and preprint servers can make research more accessible and facilitate the replication and verification of results.

Educational reforms are needed to prepare the next generation of scientists for the challenges of modern research. Training programs should emphasize the importance of ethical conduct, transparency, and reproducibility. Young scientists should be taught how to properly document their work, share their data, and review others' work critically yet constructively. By instilling these values early in their careers, we can create a culture that prioritizes integrity and rigor.

Public engagement and understanding of science are also vital. When the public is better informed about how science works, including its challenges and limitations, trust in scientific findings can be restored. Scientists should communicate their work more clearly and openly, making their methods and results accessible to non-experts. Media and educational institutions play a critical role in bridging the gap between the scientific community and the public.

Finally, policymakers and funding agencies must recognize the importance of addressing these issues. They should support initiatives aimed at improving transparency, replication, and the overall quality of scientific research. This could include funding for replication studies, incentives for data sharing, and support for technological tools that aid in detecting fraud. By taking a proactive approach, we can ensure that science remains a reliable foundation for knowledge and progress.

Addressing these issues requires systemic change. Scientists, institutions, and publishers must recognize the importance of transparency and replication. Incentives need to be realigned to value the sharing of methodologies and codes, and to support replication efforts. Without these changes, the scientific community will continue to struggle with issues of trust and reliability. The peer review system, a fundamental pillar of scientific integrity, is in crisis. The increasing complexity of science and the lack of incentives for transparency and replication exacerbate the problem. Addressing these issues requires a collective effort from scientists, institutions, and publishers to realign incentives and prioritize the reliability and transparency of scientific research. Only then can we restore public trust in science and ensure the continued progress of knowledge.


How the Brainstem Keeps Inflammation in Check

Researchers have discovered that the brainstem, a part of the brain responsible for controlling basic functions like breathing and heart rate, also plays a crucial role in regulating the immune system. This finding, published in Nature on May 1, shows that brainstem cells can sense inflammatory molecules in response to injury and adjust their levels to prevent infections from damaging healthy tissues. This adds to the known functions of the brainstem and suggests new potential targets for treating inflammatory disorders such as arthritis and inflammatory bowel disease.

Homeostasis is the body's ability to maintain stable internal conditions despite external changes. The brain’s involvement in homeostasis is well-known, as it controls heart rate and blood pressure during stress. Now, this concept extends to the immune system, where brainstem neurons act as regulators. Using genetic techniques in mice, researchers identified brainstem cells that adjust immune responses to pathogens. These neurons function as a "volume controller" for inflammation. Experiments showed that the vagus nerve, which connects the body and brain, plays a central role in this immune control. Cutting the vagus nerve deactivated brainstem neurons, confirming this connection. By altering the activity of brainstem neurons, researchers could control inflammation levels. Increasing activity reduced inflammation, while decreasing it led to excessive inflammatory responses.

This study reveals that the brainstem’s regulation of inflammation could be leveraged to treat immune disorders. By targeting these neural circuits, new treatments for conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis and inflammatory bowel disease may be developed. Historically, the brain was viewed mainly as the center of higher functions like memory and emotion. However, this study highlights its significant role in monitoring and regulating the body's physiological states, including the immune system.

Further research could explore additional brain circuits involved in immune regulation. Understanding these pathways may lead to innovative therapies for managing inflammation in various diseases. This discovery adds a new dimension to our understanding of the brain-body connection. By identifying the brainstem's role in controlling inflammation, researchers have opened new avenues for treating immune-related disorders, potentially transforming medical approaches to managing inflammation and maintaining overall health.

The implications of this study are far-reaching. For instance, conditions like rheumatoid arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease, and other inflammatory disorders could see new treatment strategies that specifically target these neural circuits. The ability to control these circuits could also help manage inflammation in a more precise manner, reducing the side effects often associated with broad-spectrum anti-inflammatory drugs.

The study also prompts a reevaluation of the brain’s role in overall health. Previously, the brain was primarily considered the seat of memory, emotion, and other higher-order functions. However, this research underscores the brain’s integral role in monitoring and regulating vital physiological processes. This broader understanding of the brain’s functions could lead to new insights into how various diseases develop and how they can be treated.

Further exploration into the brainstem's role in immune regulation could reveal more about how the nervous system interacts with the immune system. This could uncover additional therapeutic targets and improve our ability to treat a wide range of inflammatory and autoimmune conditions. The discovery of this brain-body connection represents a significant advance in neuroscience and immunology, highlighting the importance of interdisciplinary research in uncovering complex biological systems.

In summary, the identification of brainstem neurons that regulate inflammation adds a crucial piece to the puzzle of how the body maintains balance and responds to threats. This research opens new pathways for developing targeted treatments for inflammatory diseases and enhances our understanding of the intricate connections between the brain and the immune system. For more details, the full study can be found on Nature.


Astronomers Revise Timeline of Milky Way's Last Major Merger

The Milky Way's history is more recent and dynamic than previously believed. This revelation comes from data collected by the European Space Agency's Gaia spacecraft, which is mapping over a billion stars in the Milky Way and beyond. Gaia tracks their motion, luminosity, temperature, and composition, offering unprecedented insights into our galaxy’s past.

The Milky Way has expanded over time by absorbing smaller galaxies. Each collision left ripples in the star populations, altering their movement and behavior. Gaia aims to decode the Milky Way’s history by examining these ripples, focusing on the positions and motions of over 100,000 nearby stars. This is just a small sample of the approximately two billion celestial bodies Gaia observes.

Dr. Thomas Donlon from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and the University of Alabama explained, "We get wrinklier as we age, but our work reveals that the opposite is true for the Milky Way. It’s a sort of cosmic Benjamin Button, getting less wrinkly over time." He noted that by studying how these ripples diminish, scientists can determine when the Milky Way had its last significant merger. This event occurred billions of years later than previously estimated.

The Milky Way’s halo contains a large group of stars with unusual orbits, thought to be remnants of a major merger. This merger, known as Gaia-Sausage-Enceladus, was believed to have occurred between eight and eleven billion years ago, when the Milky Way was young. However, Gaia’s latest data suggests these stars arrived during a different event, much more recent than once thought.

Dr. Heidi Jo Newberg from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute stated, "For the wrinkles of stars to be as clear as they appear in Gaia data, they must have joined us less than three billion years ago — at least five billion years later than was previously thought." She explained that new star ripples form as stars move through the Milky Way's center. If the stars had joined eight billion years ago, the ripples would have merged into a single feature.

The findings propose that these stars came from a more recent event named the Virgo Radial Merger, which occurred less than three billion years ago. This discovery reshapes the understanding of the Milky Way’s history.

Dr. Donlon highlighted the importance of Gaia’s contributions, "The Milky Way’s history is constantly being rewritten at the moment, in no small part thanks to new data from Gaia." He added that the picture of the Milky Way’s past has changed significantly in the last decade, and this understanding will continue to evolve.

The revelation that a large portion of the Milky Way was acquired only in the last few billion years contradicts previous models. Many astronomers had considered recent major collisions with dwarf galaxies to be rare. The Virgo Radial Merger likely brought along other smaller dwarf galaxies and star clusters, all joining the Milky Way simultaneously.

Future research will determine which smaller objects, previously associated with the ancient Gaia-Sausage-Enceladus merger, are actually linked to the more recent Virgo Radial Merger.


The Evolution of Understanding Odor

Unveiling the Mysteries of Smell
In the realm of senses, we've mastered the art of splitting light into colors and sounds into tones. Yet, the world of odor has long remained an enigma. Is it too complex, too personal to map? Surprisingly, the answer is no.

Recent advancements have revolutionized our understanding of smell, drawing on collaborations between neuroscientists, mathematicians, and AI experts. Unlike our intuitive grasp of colors and sounds, the world of smells has eluded easy categorization. But now, a groundbreaking 'odor map' published in Science has changed the game.

This map isn't just a catalog of smells; it's a set of rules for understanding them. Just as a geographical map tells you that Buffalo is closer to Detroit than to Boston, the odor map reveals that the smell of lily is closer to grape than to cabbage. More remarkably, it allows us to pinpoint any chemical's location on the map, predicting how it smells based on its properties. It's akin to a formula that, given a city's population size and soil composition, can precisely locate Philadelphia's coordinates.

The Evolution of Odor Perception
But how do our noses create this 'odor space'? Unlike Newton's study of light or the analysis of pitch, smell defies simple tools like tuning forks. Early attempts to categorize odors, like Linnaeus' and Haller's schemes, lacked empirical rigor. They were more about intuition than data.

One bold attempt, by Hans Henning in 1916, proposed an 'odour prism' with six vertices corresponding to primary odors. While Henning's theory was flawed, it sparked a quest for the underlying principles of smell. Later efforts, like Susan Schiffman's odour maps in the 1970s, provided valuable insights but fell short of a complete solution.

The Rise of AI in Decoding Odors
Enter the age of AI. In 2017, the DREAM challenge brought AI into the fold, leading to models that could predict odors with impressive accuracy. These 'random forests' of AI models can be complex, mimicking human judgment in convoluted ways. They can predict that a chemical smells like rose based on a multitude of factors, not just its structural properties.

The Osmo Revolution: Giving Computers a Sense of Smell
Osmo, a startup born from Google Brain's digital olfaction group, is at the forefront of this revolution. Led by Alex Wiltschko, Osmo is training AI models to understand smells using simplified molecular graphs. These models, inspired by the brain's processing, can compute distances and angles in 'odour space', predicting how a chemical will smell based on its relationship to others.

The Future of Odor Science
The odour space isn't a simple geometric shape like a circle or prism. It's more like a rugged landscape of chemical continents, each representing a different aspect of human ecology. Two chemicals might smell alike not because they're structurally similar, but because they play similar roles in nature.

In conclusion, the study of smell has evolved from introspective musings to data-driven AI models. While we're far from fully understanding the geometry of odor, these advancements have brought us closer than ever. Perhaps smell has been the last great sensory mystery because its mathematics are the most esoteric. But with the ongoing work of researchers like those at Osmo, we're unlocking the secrets of scent, revealing a world rich in meaning and possibility.

Fusion Energy: Europe in the Driver's Seat of a Clean Energy Revolution?

Fusion energy, the process that powers the sun, holds immense promise as a clean and limitless energy source. For decades, scientists have grappled with the immense technical challenges of replicating this process on Earth. However, recent breakthroughs suggest significant progress, with Europe emerging as a potential frontrunner.

From Dream to Reality: Challenges and Advancements

Fusion requires creating and containing extremely hot plasma, a state of matter where atoms are stripped of electrons. Maintaining this unstable state has been a major hurdle. However, advancements in materials science, magnets, and laser technology are paving the way.

Recent achievements highlight this progress. A UK startup achieved record pressure in a fusion reaction. Europe's Joint European Torus (JET) machine set a new record for energy output. Korean researchers sustained a 100-million-degree Celsius reaction for a record 48 seconds. These milestones, along with numerous others, indicate significant strides in pressure, energy production, and reaction duration – all crucial for viable fusion power.

The 2030s: Fusion's Breakout Decade?

Experts predict a boom in the 2030s, with many aiming for operational reactors. A recent poll suggests 65% of experts believe fusion-generated electricity will be commercially viable by 2035, rising to 90% by 2040.

Fusion's appeal lies in its potential to provide clean baseload power, complementing renewable sources like wind and solar. Unlike nuclear fission, fusion produces minimal long-term waste and requires almost no cooling water. Its fuel sources, readily available isotopes of hydrogen, are practically limitless.

The Global Race Heats Up

Governments recognize the significance of fusion. The US recently allocated a record $763 million for research. China established a consortium of leading industrial giants to develop a viable fusion reactor.

Europe: A Strong Contender

Europe boasts a robust fusion research infrastructure. EUROFusion, a collaborative effort by EU member states, spearheads research and development. Their flagship project, ITER, a €22 billion reactor under construction in France, is expected to produce its first plasma next year. Other European facilities, like Germany's Wendelstein 7-X, have been instrumental for startups like Proxima Fusion.

The UK, a longstanding leader in fusion research, plays a pivotal role. The Culham Centre for Fusion Energy is a global hub, housing the recently retired JET machine and currently developing its successor – the STEP project, a grid-connected reactor aiming for net energy production.

Challenges and Opportunities for Europe

While Europe excels in research, the US enjoys a funding advantage. American startups like Commonwealth Fusion, backed by prominent figures like Bill Gates, have secured billions of dollars. This dwarfs funding available to European counterparts. Additionally, some European startups, like Germany's Marvel Fusion, are lured to the US by faster funding opportunities.

To maintain its competitive edge, Europe needs to bolster support for its startups. "Sufficient public funding and policy incentives are crucial to attract private investment," emphasizes Cyrille Mai Thanh of the Fusion Industry Association.

A Brighter Future Powered by Fusion?

Nearly 70 years after embarking on this journey, humanity is closer than ever to harnessing the power of the sun. Competition in fusion energy, driven by the urgent need for decarbonization, can only benefit everyone. The dawn of a clean and abundant energy source may be closer than we think, with Europe potentially leading the charge.

Security Researchers Uncover Vulnerabilities in Hotel Keycard Locks

Every August, Las Vegas hosts the notorious "hacker summer camp," comprising the Black Hat and Defcon hacker conferences. Amidst this gathering, a select group of security researchers were invited to hack a Vegas hotel room, uncovering vulnerabilities in its technology.

Ian Carroll, Lennert Wouters, and their team have revealed a technique named Unsaflok, which exploits security flaws in Saflok-brand RFID-based keycard locks by Dormakaba. These locks, installed on 3 million doors worldwide, are susceptible to a method that allows intruders to open any room with just two taps on a specially crafted keycard.

The researchers discovered weaknesses in Dormakaba's encryption and the MIFARE Classic RFID system, which Saflok keycards use. By reverse-engineering Dormakaba's front desk software, they were able to create a master key that can open any room on a property.

Although Dormakaba is working on a fix, only 36 percent of installed Safloks have been updated so far. The full fix may take months to years to roll out completely. The researchers stress the importance of hotel guests knowing the risks and suggest using the NFC Taginfo app to check if their keycard is still vulnerable.

While there have been no known exploits of Unsaflok, the researchers believe the vulnerability has existed for a long time. They urge caution, advising guests to avoid leaving valuables in their rooms and to use the deadbolt as an additional safety measure.

The discovery underscores the importance of security in hospitality technology and serves as a reminder for businesses to prioritize the security of their systems.

Hydropower Shortfall Leads to Record Global Emissions in 2023

In 2023, global emissions hit a record high, with a significant portion of the blame falling on hydropower. Droughts around the world led to a drop in generation from hydroelectric plants, forcing a reliance on fossil fuels to fill the gap.

Hydropower, a key source of renewable electricity, faced unprecedented challenges due to weather conditions last year. The decrease in hydropower generation contributed to a 1.1% rise in total energy-related emissions in 2023, with hydropower accounting for 40% of that increase, according to a report from the International Energy Agency.

Hydroelectric power plants use dams to create reservoirs, allowing water to flow through the power plant as needed to generate electricity. This flexibility is valuable for the grid, especially compared to less controllable renewables like wind and solar. However, hydropower is still dependent on weather patterns for reservoir filling, making it vulnerable to droughts.

The world added approximately 20 gigawatts of hydropower capacity in 2023. However, weather conditions caused a decrease in the overall electricity generated from hydropower. China and North America were particularly affected by droughts, leading to increased reliance on fossil fuels to meet energy demands.

Climate change is expected to further impact hydropower generation. Rising temperatures will lead to more frequent and severe droughts, while warmer winters will reduce snowpack and ice that fill reservoirs. More variability in precipitation patterns will also affect hydropower generation, with extreme rainfall events causing flooding instead of storing water for later use.

While hydropower is not expected to disappear, the future grid will need to be resilient to weather variations. A diverse range of electricity sources, combined with robust transmission infrastructure, will help mitigate the impacts of climate change on energy generation.

In conclusion, the challenges faced by hydropower in 2023 highlight the need for a flexible and diverse energy mix to meet climate goals in the face of a changing climate.

Apple Enhances iMessage Security Against Quantum Computing Threat

Apple is introducing an upgrade to its iMessage platform, known as PQ3, to fortify its encryption against potential decryption by quantum computers. This move underscores the tech industry's proactive stance in anticipating future breakthroughs in quantum computing that could render current encryption methods ineffective.

The new protocol involves a complete overhaul of the iMessage cryptographic system, aiming to replace the existing protocol across all supported conversations by the end of this year. Apple asserts that its encryption algorithms are currently robust, with no reported successful attacks. However, the emergence of quantum computers, which leverage the properties of subatomic particles, poses a significant concern for the future integrity of encryption.

Recent reports have highlighted the global race, particularly between the United States and China, to prepare for the potential impact of quantum computing, often referred to as "Q-Day." Both countries are investing heavily in quantum research and developing new encryption standards, known as post-quantum cryptography, to mitigate the risks posed by quantum computing. There have been allegations of data interception by both nations in anticipation of Q-Day, a strategy dubbed "catch now, crack later."

The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency in the U.S. has advised early planning for this transition to post-quantum cryptography, emphasizing the importance of protecting data that may remain sensitive in the future.

Apple's PQ3 protocol incorporates a new set of technical safeguards to enhance its encryption and minimize vulnerability to quantum attacks. Michael Biercuk, CEO of Q-CTRL, a quantum technology company, views Apple's public efforts to strengthen its security as a significant acknowledgment of the potential threat posed by quantum computing. He interprets this move as a proactive step by Apple to prepare for a future where existing encryption methods may no longer be sufficient.

Apple's initiative to bolster iMessage security demonstrates a commitment to staying ahead of emerging threats, ensuring user privacy and data security in an increasingly complex technological landscape.

How Large Language Models Develop Unexpected Skills

A recent study challenges the notion that large language models (LLMs) acquire emergent abilities suddenly and unpredictably. The study, conducted by researchers at Stanford University, suggests that these abilities actually develop gradually and predictably, depending on how they are measured.

LLMs, like the ones powering chatbots such as ChatGPT, learn by analyzing vast amounts of text data. As the size of these models increases, so does their ability to complete tasks, including ones for which they were not explicitly trained. This growth in performance has led to the perception of emergent abilities in LLMs, which are collective behaviors that appear once a system reaches a high level of complexity.

However, the Stanford researchers argue that the perception of emergence is influenced by how LLMs are measured. They conducted experiments with addition tasks, showing that the ability to add did not emerge suddenly at a certain threshold, as previously thought. Instead, they found that as the size of the LLM increased, its ability to predict the correct sequence of digits in addition problems improved gradually and predictably when measured using a different metric that awarded partial credit.

While this study challenges the idea of emergence in LLMs, other researchers point out that it does not fully dispel the notion. Some argue that the unpredictability of emergent abilities lies in the difficulty of predicting which metrics will show abrupt improvement in an LLM. Nevertheless, this research highlights the importance of considering how we measure the abilities of LLMs and raises questions about how these models will continue to evolve in the future.

As LLMs grow larger and more complex, they are likely to exhibit new and unexpected behaviors. Understanding how these behaviors emerge and how they can be predicted is crucial for the development of AI technologies.


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