Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe.
Albert Einstein
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Arts Culture STEM Competition Thursday 19th September 2024 Industry Opinion Local Nations

Eric Barone on Stardew Valley's 1.6 Update and the Journey to Haunted Chocolatier

In the world of gaming, Stardew Valley continues to stand out as a remarkable success story. Developed by Eric Barone, also known as Concerned Ape, this farm life simulation game has captivated players for close to a decade, remaining popular across various platforms.

Barone's recent focus has been on updating Stardew Valley with the significant 1.6 update, which has reinvigorated player interest, pushing the PC player count beyond 100,000. Despite this success, Barone remains humble, acknowledging that while there are no immediate plans for new content, he wouldn't be surprised if that changed in the future.

Looking ahead, Barone is gearing up to resume work on his new project, Haunted Chocolatier, a confectionery store simulation game. Details are scarce, but Barone's dedication to quality is evident in his approach to game development. The 1.6 update, for example, took two and a half years to develop and involved significant technical overhauls, particularly in modding capabilities.

Barone understands the delicate balance required when adding new content to a game like Stardew Valley. Ensuring that new features enhance rather than disrupt the gameplay experience is paramount. As Barone puts it, "Balancing things is the most difficult part."

Despite the lack of specific details about Haunted Chocolatier, fans are eagerly anticipating its release. If its success mirrors that of Stardew Valley, it could become another beloved title in Barone's portfolio.

Stardew Valley itself has become a classic in the gaming world. Inspired by the Story of Seasons series, it offers players a rich and engaging farming experience. Beyond farming, players can interact with the town's NPCs, fish, cook, mine, and even raise a family. The game's open-ended nature allows for a variety of gameplay styles, making it accessible to a wide audience.

Barone's dedication to Stardew Valley's development and his upcoming projects has solidified his reputation as a talented and committed game developer. As fans eagerly await news of Haunted Chocolatier and future updates to Stardew Valley, Barone's impact on the gaming industry continues to grow, ensuring that his creations will be enjoyed for years to come.

Sam Bankman-Fried Sentenced to 25 Years in Prison for FTX Fraud

Sam Bankman-Fried, the former billionaire and founder of the FTX cryptocurrency exchange, has been sentenced to 25 years in prison for orchestrating one of the largest financial frauds in U.S. history. The sentencing, handed down by U.S. District Judge Lewis Kaplan, marks the final chapter in Bankman-Fried's dramatic downfall from a celebrated entrepreneur to a convicted felon.

Bankman-Fried, 32, was found guilty on seven fraud and conspiracy counts related to the collapse of FTX in 2022, which prosecutors described as a scheme that defrauded customers of billions of dollars. Judge Kaplan rejected Bankman-Fried's claim that FTX customers did not lose money and cited his lack of remorse as a factor in the sentencing.

Despite acknowledging the suffering of FTX customers and offering an apology to his former colleagues, Bankman-Fried did not admit to criminal wrongdoing. He has vowed to appeal his conviction and sentence.

The sentencing is a significant milestone in Bankman-Fried's rapid fall from grace. Once hailed as a poster boy for the cryptocurrency industry, Bankman-Fried's net worth reportedly reached $26 billion before his 30th birthday. However, the collapse of FTX and subsequent legal troubles have now brought him to a very different reality.

In addition to the prison sentence, Judge Kaplan imposed an $11 billion forfeiture order, with the government authorized to repay victims with seized assets. Prosecutors had sought a longer sentence, while Bankman-Fried's defense argued for a much shorter term.

Bankman-Fried's case underscores the serious consequences of financial fraud and the growing scrutiny of the cryptocurrency industry by U.S. authorities. The sentencing sends a clear message that individuals who engage in fraudulent activities will be held accountable, regardless of their wealth or influence.

Bankman-Fried's parents, Stanford University law professors Joseph Bankman and Barbara Fried, expressed their heartbreak over their son's sentence and vowed to continue fighting for him. Bankman-Fried has been detained since August 2023 and is expected to be sent to a prison close to San Francisco.

The case against Bankman-Fried also highlights the challenges faced by regulators in overseeing the cryptocurrency market. As the industry continues to evolve, regulators will likely step up efforts to prevent fraud and protect investors, making cases like Bankman-Fried's increasingly rare.

Fusion Energy: Europe in the Driver's Seat of a Clean Energy Revolution?

Fusion energy, the process that powers the sun, holds immense promise as a clean and limitless energy source. For decades, scientists have grappled with the immense technical challenges of replicating this process on Earth. However, recent breakthroughs suggest significant progress, with Europe emerging as a potential frontrunner.

From Dream to Reality: Challenges and Advancements

Fusion requires creating and containing extremely hot plasma, a state of matter where atoms are stripped of electrons. Maintaining this unstable state has been a major hurdle. However, advancements in materials science, magnets, and laser technology are paving the way.

Recent achievements highlight this progress. A UK startup achieved record pressure in a fusion reaction. Europe's Joint European Torus (JET) machine set a new record for energy output. Korean researchers sustained a 100-million-degree Celsius reaction for a record 48 seconds. These milestones, along with numerous others, indicate significant strides in pressure, energy production, and reaction duration – all crucial for viable fusion power.

The 2030s: Fusion's Breakout Decade?

Experts predict a boom in the 2030s, with many aiming for operational reactors. A recent poll suggests 65% of experts believe fusion-generated electricity will be commercially viable by 2035, rising to 90% by 2040.

Fusion's appeal lies in its potential to provide clean baseload power, complementing renewable sources like wind and solar. Unlike nuclear fission, fusion produces minimal long-term waste and requires almost no cooling water. Its fuel sources, readily available isotopes of hydrogen, are practically limitless.

The Global Race Heats Up

Governments recognize the significance of fusion. The US recently allocated a record $763 million for research. China established a consortium of leading industrial giants to develop a viable fusion reactor.

Europe: A Strong Contender

Europe boasts a robust fusion research infrastructure. EUROFusion, a collaborative effort by EU member states, spearheads research and development. Their flagship project, ITER, a €22 billion reactor under construction in France, is expected to produce its first plasma next year. Other European facilities, like Germany's Wendelstein 7-X, have been instrumental for startups like Proxima Fusion.

The UK, a longstanding leader in fusion research, plays a pivotal role. The Culham Centre for Fusion Energy is a global hub, housing the recently retired JET machine and currently developing its successor – the STEP project, a grid-connected reactor aiming for net energy production.

Challenges and Opportunities for Europe

While Europe excels in research, the US enjoys a funding advantage. American startups like Commonwealth Fusion, backed by prominent figures like Bill Gates, have secured billions of dollars. This dwarfs funding available to European counterparts. Additionally, some European startups, like Germany's Marvel Fusion, are lured to the US by faster funding opportunities.

To maintain its competitive edge, Europe needs to bolster support for its startups. "Sufficient public funding and policy incentives are crucial to attract private investment," emphasizes Cyrille Mai Thanh of the Fusion Industry Association.

A Brighter Future Powered by Fusion?

Nearly 70 years after embarking on this journey, humanity is closer than ever to harnessing the power of the sun. Competition in fusion energy, driven by the urgent need for decarbonization, can only benefit everyone. The dawn of a clean and abundant energy source may be closer than we think, with Europe potentially leading the charge.

Victor Lustig: The Man Who Sold the Eiffel Tower Twice

Victor Lustig, a master con artist from Austria-Hungary, weaved a life of audacious scams throughout Europe and the United States in the early 20th century. Nicknamed "the man who sold the Eiffel Tower twice," Lustig's exploits captured headlines and cemented his place as one of history's most cunning tricksters.

Early Days and Shifting Gears

Born in 1890, Lustig displayed a quick mind from a young age. However, his talents turned towards deception by his teens, leading him to card games and other hustles. After leaving school, he honed his skills, becoming fluent in multiple languages and adept at reading people.

Lustig's initial cons targeted wealthy travelers on Atlantic liners. He'd pose as a businessman or producer, swindling unsuspecting victims out of cash. World War I disrupted these operations, prompting Lustig to seek new opportunities in the United States. By this time, he had earned a reputation amongst law enforcement for his clever scams, including one where he tricked a bank into giving him money for fake bonds.

The Eiffel Tower Scheme

In 1925, Lustig stumbled upon a newspaper article discussing the high maintenance costs of the Eiffel Tower. Seeing an opportunity, he hatched a daring plan. He forged government documents and posed as a high-ranking official tasked with secretly selling the Eiffel Tower for scrap metal.

Lustig invited a group of scrap metal dealers to a posh hotel, convincing them the sale was confidential due to public sentiment. He carefully observed the group, identifying Andre Poisson, a businessman eager for prestige, as his prime target.

Lustig played on Poisson's insecurities, portraying himself as a corrupt official seeking a bribe to finalize the deal. Believing he was securing a lucrative opportunity, Poisson paid a hefty sum to Lustig, who promptly vanished with the money.

Confident that Poisson would be too embarrassed to report the crime, Lustig even attempted the same scam later that year with another group of dealers. However, this time, the authorities were alerted, forcing Lustig to flee back to the U.S.

The "Rumanian Box" Scam

Another of Lustig's infamous cons involved a specially designed mahogany box he called the "money box" or "Rumanian Box." He claimed it could duplicate any currency placed inside, taking just six hours. The box had compartments and levers, creating an illusion of a complex machine.

Lustig would convince his mark to insert a specific bill, then secretly swap it with a genuine one hidden within the box. After a supposed "printing" process, Lustig would accompany the mark to a bank to verify the duplicate. Confident in the device's legitimacy, the mark would then be willing to pay a hefty sum for it. Lustig would often pack the box with additional real bills before disappearing, leaving the victim with a worthless device.

Later Years and Downfall

Lustig's audacity even extended to attempting a con on Al Capone. He approached the notorious gangster with a seemingly risky scheme, requesting a small investment. After a staged failure, Lustig convinced Capone to give him a sum of money to "tide him over," further solidifying his image as a trustworthy associate.

However, Lustig's most elaborate scheme involved a large-scale counterfeiting operation in the 1930s. He partnered with others to create counterfeit bills and distribute them through a network of couriers. The influx of fake money eventually drew the attention of federal agents.

Lustig's downfall came from a disgruntled mistress who tipped off authorities. He was arrested and later escaped prison, only to be recaptured. Lustig was sentenced to Alcatraz Island for counterfeiting and died of pneumonia in 1947.

Victor Lustig's life of crime may be a cautionary tale, but his cunning and elaborate cons continue to fascinate even today.

Haunting Echoes: Scientists Seek Lessons from Rwanda's Genocide

Thirty years ago, Rwanda descended into a horrifying abyss. The systematic slaughter of Tutsis by Hutu extremists, a dark chapter known as the Rwandan genocide, claimed an estimated 800,000 lives. Now, researchers are sifting through the wreckage, seeking not just to understand the tragedy, but to prevent similar atrocities from ever happening again.

Their work takes them to places like Ntarama, a church turned mass grave, a stark reminder of the barbarity unleashed. Here, researchers confront the physical scars alongside the invisible ones – the enduring trauma etched onto the souls of survivors.

A Deluge of Violence, Rooted in Colonial Seeds

The genocide wasn't a sudden eruption. Colonial Belgium had sown the seeds of discord decades earlier, dividing Rwandans into Hutu and Tutsi categories. These distinctions, fueled by pseudoscience and economic disparity, festered into ethnic animosity. When violence finally erupted in 1994, it was a horrifying storm, fueled by hate speech and state-sanctioned brutality.

Beyond the Headlines: The Enduring Toll

Researchers delve far deeper than the headlines. They study the mental health crisis that continues to grip Rwanda. They explore the possibility of intergenerational trauma, where the horror experienced by parents casts a long shadow on their children.

One scientist, Léon Mutesa, is investigating the potential for epigenetic changes – modifications to DNA – caused by the trauma. His work is controversial, but it raises a chilling possibility: could the psychological scars be passed down through generations?

Elevating Local Voices: A Call for Inclusivity

Early research was dominated by Western scholars. Now, a crucial shift is underway. Programs like the Aegis Trust's Research, Policy and Higher Education initiative are empowering Rwandan researchers to tell their own stories.

This is more than just about perspective. Rwandan scholars possess a unique cultural understanding, allowing them to delve into nuances missed by outsiders. Their work not only enriches the historical record, but also informs policy decisions aimed at healing and reconciliation.

The Search for Answers: A Global Challenge

The Rwandan genocide wasn't an isolated event. Researchers are drawing parallels with atrocities past and present, from the Holocaust to conflicts in the Democratic Republic of Congo. By identifying common threads – the dehumanization of victims, the use of propaganda, the involvement of the state – they hope to build a theory of genocide, a framework for recognizing and preventing future tragedies.

This work is far from easy. Researchers grapple with the ethical considerations of interviewing survivors. They face the limitations of historical records and the ever-present risk of political sensitivities. Yet, they persist, driven by the hope that their insights can make a difference.

A Beacon of Hope: Remembering and Moving Forward

Rwanda's journey of healing is far from over. But amidst the pain, there are glimmers of hope. The annual commemorations, while a time of profound sadness, also offer survivors a chance to connect and share their stories. Mental health services are gradually improving, offering some solace to those burdened by trauma.

The world cannot afford to forget Rwanda. By studying its horrors, we gain a deeper understanding of the darkest aspects of humanity. But more importantly, we discover the resilience of the human spirit, the will to rebuild and move forward, even in the face of unimaginable suffering.


The Endowment Project Expands Funding Opportunities for Public High Schools

Endowment funds, common in private colleges and schools, are now making their way into the public school system. Entrepreneurs Michael Bor and Chris Bossola have launched The Endowment Project, aiming to create a $65 million endowment for every public high school in the U.S.

Starting with a pilot program in Richmond, Virginia, The Endowment Project has already seen success. Douglas S. Freeman High School raised nearly $100,000, funding scholarships, facility upgrades, and innovative learning spaces.

Inspired by rare success stories like Boston Latin School's $75 million endowment, The Endowment Project seeks to engage alumni and philanthropists to support public education. The project's infrastructure allows schools to easily set up funds, engage donors, and manage contributions transparently.

While traditional educational foundations focus on broader programs, The Endowment Project aims to supplement these efforts by targeting individual schools. It has already gained traction in Richmond, with plans to expand across Virginia and eventually nationwide.

The project's success hinges on its ability to engage alumni and philanthropists effectively. By leveraging technology and focusing on individual schools, The Endowment Project hopes to create sustainable funding streams that benefit public high schools across the country.

The Endowment Project: A Novel Approach to Public School Funding

The Endowment Project is a purpose-driven for-profit education technology company. It is building the philanthropic infrastructure for public schools, aiming to ensure that public high school students, faculty, and staff have a more robust high school experience.

Public and private colleges, universities, and private high schools have dedicated alumni development organizations that nurture strong community and allegiance and then harvest donations from these communities that further the school's mission. Public high schools do not have this. The Endowment Project is bridging this gap by building the infrastructure to enable public high schools to create strong and loyal communities and steward the generosity of those communities.

How The Endowment Project Works

The Endowment Project is a technology- and human resource-enabled platform designed to help public high schools build communities from which capital is raised, managed, and deployed to enhance the educational experience for millions of students, faculty, and staff at public high schools across the U.S.

The project uses its proprietary technology and human-capital-driven processes combined with best-in-class alumni development strategies to build philanthropic infrastructure, establish and build strong and loyal school communities, raise capital from those communities, and appropriately manage the raised assets to benefit the students, teachers, and administrators of U.S. public high schools.

Partnerships and Fundraising

The Endowment Project partners with existing education foundations to serve as their development and administrative back-office function. It creates a database of donors, expands the school community, and provides fundraising services for each of its partner foundations. The project also pools and manages the capital from each foundation, with the advantage of scale leading to higher returns.

The company also manages grant requests, funding, and reporting, ensuring that the raised funds are used effectively to benefit public high schools. It has launched several fundraising programs for local high schools as a proof-of-concept, with plans to expand its efforts nationwide.

Impact and Future Plans

The Endowment Project estimates that 200 million people in the United States went to public high schools, and the country has 25,000 such high schools. Its goal is to create greater equality in the education experience between public and private high schools by providing public high schools with the same opportunities for fundraising and community engagement.

As it rolls out its fundraising programs and expands its reach, The Endowment Project aims to change the face of public education in America, ensuring that all public high school students have access to a more robust and enriched educational experience.

The Art of Living in a Technological World: Bernard Stiegler's Perspective

In our digital age, the impact of technology on our lives is undeniable. From the screens we interact with daily to the data streams we navigate, technology permeates our existence. Bernard Stiegler, a pioneering philosopher of our time, goes beyond the surface effects of digital tools. For Stiegler, technology isn't just about how devices impact our lives or how they're created and used—it's about something deeper: technics.

Technics, for Stiegler, is the essence of human experience. It's what distinguishes us from other species. Our existence is defined by the experiences and knowledge our tools enable, whether it's a cutting-edge brain-computer interface or a primitive axe used for clearing forests. However, technics isn't merely synonymous with technology. As Martin Heidegger noted, the 'essence of technology is by no means anything technological.' Instead, technics is an open-ended creative process, a relationship with our tools and the world.

Stiegler's journey to becoming a leading philosopher of the digital age was unconventional. Born in 1952, he experienced the political upheavals of 1968, which shaped his early worldview. Disenchanted with traditional Marxism and the political trends of the time, Stiegler sought new ways to understand the rapid rise of electronic technology. He realized that technology was redefining our relationship with ourselves, the world, and each other. To account for these changes, Stiegler believed philosophy needed to be rewritten from the perspective of technics.

His time in prison for armed robbery became a turning point. In his cell, Stiegler immersed himself in philosophy, exploring ideas that would shape his later work. He came to see technics as a fundamental aspect of human existence, tied to our ability to store and preserve knowledge through tools like books and archives.

Stiegler's concept of technics challenges us to rethink the role of technology in our lives. It urges us to consider how our tools shape our world and our understanding of it. While technology offers new possibilities, it also poses risks, from standardizing our experiences to increasing surveillance. Stiegler's work reminds us that our future is not predetermined by technology; rather, it is shaped by our choices in how we design and use our tools.

In a world increasingly dominated by digital technologies, Stiegler's philosophy offers a profound insight: our tools shape not only our world but also ourselves. It is through understanding this relationship with our tools that we can begin to imagine new ways of living, being, and evolving. Technics, not technology, holds the key to unlocking the future.


Residential Solar Industry Faces Uncertain Future

The residential solar industry in the United States, valued at $30 billion, is facing significant challenges as it struggles to adapt to changing market conditions. The industry's growth, which has been driven by government incentives and declining panel prices, has slowed in recent months, leaving many companies scrambling to stay afloat.

Despite a record six gigawatts of peak generating capacity installed in 2022, the industry's foundation is shaky, built on cheap money, questionable accounting, and aggressive claims for federal tax credits. Industry leaders Sunnova Energy International and Sunrun, the nation's second-largest and largest residential solar power developers, respectively, are struggling to stay afloat.

Sunnova has lost $330 million on $722 million in revenue in the last 12 months, while Sunrun faces pressure from short sellers alleging inflated tax credit claims. Rising interest rates have reduced demand for new residential systems and decreased the value of $21 billion in debt issued to install existing systems. This has led to a decrease in installations, which has had a ripple effect on the industry, impacting manufacturers, installers, and financiers.

The industry's business model relies heavily on financing and tax credits, which are vulnerable to interest rate fluctuations and tax credit changes. Experts predict a reckoning for the industry, citing similarities to the subprime mortgage crisis. The IRS is investigating whistleblower claims of inflated tax credit claims, which could lead to a significant impact on the industry.

Sunnova's CEO, William "John" Berger, is working to differentiate his company from Sunrun, highlighting Sunnova's cash reserves, transparent accounting practices, and focus on maintenance and repair services. However, the company still faces significant hurdles, including declining demand, rising interest rates, and increased scrutiny from short sellers and the IRS.

The residential solar industry's challenges serve as a reminder that even industries perceived as "good" can face significant scrutiny and challenges. As the industry navigates these issues, it must prioritize transparency and sustainability to ensure a stable future.

The Inflation Reduction Act extended tax credits for residential solar through 2032, but this has not alleviated the industry's struggles. Sunrun has disclosed IRS audits of its investment funds and investors regarding tax credit calculations, and the industry's debt financing model is under scrutiny after Sunlight Financial filed for bankruptcy in October. Sunnova has bought millions in defaulted solar loans to maintain healthy cash flows, and the National Energy Assistance Directors Association reports 16% of American households were behind on their electric bill as of March, while 1.7% were behind on their mortgage.

Furthermore, the industry is facing increased competition from traditional energy sources, such as natural gas and coal, which have become more competitive in recent years. This has led to a decrease in demand for solar energy, making it even more challenging for companies to stay afloat.

In addition, the industry is facing regulatory challenges, as some states are re-evaluating their renewable energy policies. This has led to uncertainty for companies, making it difficult for them to plan for the future.

The Uncertain Future of Bungie: Layoffs, Cuts, and Sony's Shadow

Bungie, the renowned developer behind Destiny 2 and Halo, finds itself in a challenging position following a recent wave of layoffs affecting approximately 100 employees out of its 1,200 workforce. Reports suggest that these layoffs, along with other cost-cutting measures, are part of an effort by the studio to meet financial targets and avoid a potential full takeover by Sony.

Despite being an independent subsidiary of Sony on paper, Bungie's board of directors has been divided since Sony's acquisition in July 2022. The current board includes key figures from both Sony and Bungie, with Bungie CEO Pete Parsons serving as a tiebreaker vote. However, sources within Bungie indicate that this shared power structure is contingent on Bungie meeting certain financial goals. Failure to meet these targets could allow Sony to dissolve the existing board and assume full control of the company.

The recent layoffs and cost-cutting measures have significantly impacted morale within Bungie. Employees describe the atmosphere as "soul-crushing," with concerns about the future of the company and job security. Despite these challenges, Bungie's leadership has indicated that more layoffs cannot be ruled out, further exacerbating the uncertainty among employees.

In addition to the layoffs, Bungie has implemented several other cost-cutting measures, including a hiring freeze, reduced travel budgets, and the elimination of various benefits and perks for employees. These actions, along with the layoffs, have led to a significant decline in morale and a sense of betrayal among many employees.

Furthermore, there are concerns about a shift towards outsourcing within the company, particularly in the Quality Assurance (QA) department. While outsourcing QA is common in the industry, Bungie has historically emphasized in-house QA testing. However, recent changes suggest a move towards a more outsourced model, leading to anxiety among QA testers about the future of their roles within the company.

Overall, Bungie's current situation reflects a turbulent period for the studio, with questions surrounding its independence and the impact on its culture and community. As the studio navigates these challenges, the focus remains on how its current management will lead the company forward in the face of these uncertainties.

Innovation vs. Ethics: The Debate Over AI in Agriculture

In the realm of agriculture, AI (Artificial Intelligence) presents a double-edged sword. While it offers potential benefits for animal welfare, it also raises significant ethical concerns. As technology advances, the farming industry is increasingly integrating AI into its operations, raising questions about the ethical limits of AI involvement in farming.

Current applications of AI in farming include monitoring and managing animal health through sensors that track various physiological and behavioral indicators. These sensors, coupled with AI algorithms, aim to improve animal welfare by detecting health issues early and optimizing environmental conditions. For example, in the dairy and beef industry, AI can monitor cattle health, reducing the need for intrusive interventions. Similarly, in the poultry and pork industries, AI can ensure animals are well-fed and watered, improving their overall well-being.

However, the integration of AI into farming also poses risks, particularly in intensively farmed systems. For instance, while AI can improve individual animal care, it may also lead to the expansion of inherently low-welfare systems, such as cage-based methods, which prioritize efficiency over animal welfare. This raises concerns about a potential global decline in animal welfare standards as AI drives the adoption of these systems.

Moreover, the increasing reliance on AI in farming raises questions about the autonomy and dignity of farmers. AI-controlled parameters, such as temperature and humidity, could be set remotely by corporations, eroding farmers' control over their own farms and turning them into mere instruments of corporate interests. Additionally, AI's potential to reduce the need for human workers raises concerns about job loss and the nature of agricultural work.

To address these ethical challenges, it is crucial to establish clear guidelines for the use of AI in farming. These guidelines should ensure that AI advancements do not lead to an increase in maximum stocking densities or drive the shift towards greater use of cage-based intensive systems. Additionally, companies should be transparent about welfare problems detected by AI and held accountable for addressing them. AI technologies should also not be used to take autonomy and decision-making power away from frontline farmers.

In conclusion, while AI offers promising advancements for animal welfare in farming, it also presents significant ethical challenges. By establishing and enforcing ethical guidelines, we can ensure that AI in farming serves the interests of both animals and farmers, while upholding ethical standards and preserving the dignity of all involved parties.


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